Growing up in a community of coffee farmers, I witnessed the inequalities within the coffee industry -- women provided 90% of the labor, but didn’t own land. After studying abroad in the USA and starting my career on Wall Street, I founded Kahawa 1893 to share East African coffee with the world in a way that benefits our women farmers the most.

Kahawa 1893 currently partners with co-operatives in Kenya, Rwanda, and Congo, from which we source beans used in our single origins and/or blends.

Work in Kenya

Our Kenya farming partners used tip funds to found small businesses, which provide supplemental income to their families in addition to coffee farming, and to cover educational costs for school-aged girls in the community.

Kahawa 1893-backed small businesses in Kenya include a sugar cane farm, a posho mill to create corn/maize flour (a household staple in Kenya), and a tailoring service.

Our scholarship program in Kisii, Kenya sponsors school-related fees for girls. Many families struggle to afford to send multiple children to school simultaneously. Often, girls forgo educational opportunities as a result. In addition to the sponsorships, Kahawa has provided classroom supplies, uniforms, shoes, backpacks, and healthy food to support learning.

Our work in girls' education is especially meaningful to me. I credit my own education for Kahawa's success.

Work in Rwanda

Our Rwanda farming partners have invested tip funds in livestock purchases. Livestock has been used for milk production, meat, and breeding.

Work in Congo

Congo experienced terrible flooding in early 2024, severely impacting the farming community. Our farming partners there have used tip funds for disaster relief efforts, allowing families to rebuild their homes and businesses.